We are proud to say that 100% of OBM’s clients have had savings identified and implemented by OBM.

We only charge a commission on ACTUAL savings once we’ve delivered them, so there’s no risk and upfront payments.
We are independent in our use of suppliers and we don’t take commission from them, so you know that we are only working for you and getting the best, not the easiest deals available. 
We help to minimise your monthly outgoings, thus making you cash flow positive. 
We build ongoing relationships with our clients, constantly reviewing contracts to ensure we get the best deals year on year.

Here’s how the process works

1. Initial Meeting and Data Gathering
We work closely with you to really understand your needs, identifying cost saving projects. We will collect copies of relevant invoices and build a database of information specific to you.
2. Explore Options & Analysis
Once we know your spend and key contract information, our expert team will identify, analyse and negotiate the best deals for each agreed project. 
3. Business Case
The business case highlights potential savings and options. Only once you are happy to sign this will we proceed to implementation. The decision always remains with you. 
4. Implementation
We don’t just leave you with the report, we handle the implementation work too, managing contract terminations and new suppliers as per your instructions.

5. Post implementation
Once the project is complete we check first invoices to confirm that everything is as per the agreed contract. We will deal with any issues that might arise until the supplier relationship becomes “business as usual”.
6. Ongoing Support
We continue to monitor your options and support you with any issues and/or new cost management opportunities that might arise in the future.

 Project areas we can help you with

Core potential cost saving areas


Additional areas

Pest Control
Merchant Services

* There are many other project areas we can help you with.